some help pleas with distortion of videos

EmArt posted this 22 December 2016

Hello everyone, Here Mat from Poland, I really enjoy to use timelapse tool, it is simple and logic, I have license for HD. I have a problem sometimes when I choose camera slides or some close ups view, then some pictures of sequence doesn't recive any information of that effect and on video it's look terrible, image is shaking. here is a link to one of my video on youtube. enter link description here time of shaking 1:34, 2:36, i try many different approach to this problem but I can't solve it. I made 2 more videos of my other projects, and I wish upload them on internet but first I must get rid of those interferences, becouse I have them too on my other videos. I will be appreciate of helping me.


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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 10 January 2017

Hello Mat,

It seems the issue in the our rendering algorithm. We are working on fix.

266 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 14 January 2021

The issue was fixed in recent release of software.

266 Posts