Skip Frames..

matthewg posted this 01 May 2020

Hi team, I have 5 months of time lapse jpgs - each frame 3 minutes apart - it would be great to have a feature that you can set to use every x frame for the video..

eg - i want to take the 1st frame and skip 4 - so i end up with 4 frames for the hour (1 frame every 15 minutes) - vs 20 (1 frame every 3 minutes) - which will shorten / speed up the timelapse...

does that make sense? - how can i do that?

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 01 May 2020

You can use timelapse duration dialog to set preceise seqeunce duration or FPS. For your example you just need to set sequence FPS to 150.

Last edited 01 May 2020

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