Random photo selection

callumwigg@hotmail.com posted this 21 June 2014

When ever i import some timelapse pictures i had taken into the Timelapse tool, the frames are all muddled up in order. it is playing a timelapse of two people talking then suddenly they dissapear for a frame then are back in the same position. I have tried renaming them in order but they are just out of order. What do i do! Please Help ME!

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 24 June 2014

This help article explains how image import works. I suspect issue is related to the numbering inside image filenames. Could you post few samples with filenames that does not ordered correctly.

Last edited 03 April 2015

266 Posts
Mateusz posted this 07 March 2017

Got the same problem, every eleventh frame is out of it's original place. I've tried renaming them in order and it did not help. Seems like the program would take first 80 or so frames and scatter it all over the sequence.

It seems that I have this problen only if I group rename the files. Like Ctrl+A / right click on the first one (then windows sets numbers in barckets)

Last edited 07 March 2017

2 Posts
Mateusz posted this 07 March 2017

Fixed the problem with renaming software (Advanced Renamer). Brackets seem to be the problem.

e.g. Filenames that cause problems: snow (1)jpg snow (2). jpg etc

Filenames that work fine: snow001.jpg snow002.jpg etc.

2 Posts