Problem with activate license

EathelJones posted this 09 July 2018

I put the code in to activate and tells me the number was not good? I uninstalled then reinstalled thinking I may have not been on the proper downloads but nothing seems to work. I'm getting emails from you so that isn't the issue that I see.

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 10 July 2018

Most probably you made a typo in the activation code. Could you provide an exact error message, please?

266 Posts
EathelJones posted this 10 July 2018

says, Invalid ID. Please check it. I've had the code resent copy and past so the # is correct. Thanks EJ

Last edited 11 July 2018

3 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 11 July 2018

You made a typo in the activation code. The error message The provided activation code is not valid means exactly this case. This message also means that you are able to reach the activation server successfully.

Please note when you copy the code to clipboard another program may intercept and modify the text inside the clipboard. You may want to check the code after the paste operation.

266 Posts
EathelJones posted this 11 July 2018

I tried putting in manually upper and lower case still not working, Sorry I'm a disabled old man trying to learn A hobby apparently it wasn't A good decision on my part, What else can I try before giving up altogether?

3 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 12 July 2018

Provided a solution via email, please check your inbox.

266 Posts
durdledoor posted this 16 July 2018

I'm having trouble ever since updating. I paid for a licence which allowed me to export 1080p video, but ever since upgrading it won't allow me to export anything above a very low resolution. I tried reinstalling the programme and putting in my activation code again, but this hasn't solved the issue.

Last edited 16 July 2018

2 Posts
durdledoor posted this 16 July 2018

@myself : whoops! I was using the original activation code sent to me before I bought the software. It's all fine now...

2 Posts