How to use the Tool

Manthei, Ulrich posted this 30 January 2019

I am testing the tool and have some questions (private free )version 1. Sets of identic or near identic pictures (up to 100) not possible to use as sequenzes or pictures 2. Is it possible to erase a project? 3. Is it possible to define effects and modifications for part of sequenzes or a special sequenze inside the project Please help!

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 30 January 2019

    • It is possible to import any number of images into the project:
    • You can import a single photo to project and set how long it should be shown in the video.
  1. Not sure to which case you are referring.

    • You can erase a saved project from disk and it will not appear on the start screen.
    • You can start a new project using a button on the project screen. This will discard the existing project.
    • You can delete imported sequence from the project by right-clicking a button with a sequence number and choosing an appropriate menu item
    • You can split any sequence into multiple sequences (right click on the desired frame on the timeline and choose split).
    • The project can have multiple sequences with different FPS and effects

Have you tried the tutorial of the application startup?

266 Posts
Manthei, Ulrich posted this 30 January 2019

Thank´s for response. Problem: If I have a set of several identic pictures, system shows me not a sequenze but "pictures". The first part of the shown set is bright to see, after about 6 elements the pictures look darker and at least no more pictures are to be seen. And I found no way to embed this pictures in the "storyboard" neither as a sequenze nor as a number of pictures. Single pictures to embed is working. Which way the system identifies to be sequenze or set of pictures.

2 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 01 February 2019

You can set time-splitting slider to "None" on import screen. In this case, you can import all images with the same dimensions from a single folder as sequence. You would need to adjust minimum sequence length slider if you have less then 10 images in a folder.

266 Posts