file list

areq posted this 27 April 2020


can I sort files/folders in a different order (file explorator on left side) Right now its completly mixed. How can I arrange files in alphabetical order?

thanks for answer areq

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 27 April 2020

Unfortunately, no, the order is fixed and similar to the Windows Explorer. From import help article:

Images in each folder are ordered by filename before applying other splitting criteria. But the order also takes the image "index" into account. The index refers to the digits at the end of the image filename. This effectively sorts the images Windows imports from the camera into a folder. E.g. images are sorted in numerical order, (e.g. image001.jpg, image002.jpg, ... image999.jpg, image1000.jpg, etc.)

Beta version of software also uses a number from the prefix for sorting. You could try and check if it fixes order for you.

Anyway, could you provide an example of your sorting order?

266 Posts
areq posted this 27 April 2020

hi, thanks for answer

here is my file/folder list - the problem its rather with folders

enter image description here

as You cas see it's not an alphabetical order

I used to have folder names with numbers first - it's easier to find corect folder


2 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 27 April 2020

Ahh, did realize you are referring to this. We will apply the Explorer sorting here as well.

266 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 14 January 2021

This issue was fixed in recent release of software.

266 Posts