Export Frame Rates

S.Younger posted this 08 October 2019

Fantastic app, many thanks! However, I am importing multiple folders, [9,999 images from SD card] all at 25 fps, and when I export them (Mp4) the frame rate is always 30fps? I use the MP4s in adobe Premiere to edit down and create final films so would really prefer to have 25fps as that is what my projects are usually in - we often include motion film and other assets in a final production. Am I missing a setting? Or is this a quirk of TLTools to only export at 30fps?

thanks for your help,

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 09 October 2019

We are trying to keep UI as simple as possible. Thus, the app uses 30 FPS now. We've added a setting to change output FPS, it will be available in the next bugfix release in the program settings dialog. You could download a beta version of this release here.

Last edited 14 January 2021

266 Posts
Time-Lapse Tool posted this 14 January 2021

The FPS dropdown is available in recent release of software.

266 Posts