I’ve been using the time-lapse tool for some time to create time-lapse videos, and recently, I’ve noticed a change in the way the software reads the images in the folder.
Previously, it would create the export based on the modified metadata, but now it seems to be ordering the images by file name. This has caused my time-lapse videos to export in a disjointed sequence, as the naming convention I use isn’t linear, unlike the modified date.
Is this an issue anyone else is aware of, and could this be due to a recent update?
If so, is there a way to order the video by modified date instead of file name? I am aware that there is a function called "time splitting". But this create multiple files that need to be de-flickered in stead of just one file on the timeline.
Alternatively, is there a way to roll back to a previous version? perhaps one where the videos were created based on the modified date rather than the file name?