Can you install/activate the professional license on more than once device?

Bieb posted this 23 November 2018

So I bought the professional license only to find out that I do not currently have 2 GB free space on my laptop, at least that's what the program says when I try to export a small 4K timelapse video. Can I activate the license on another computer that has more free space, even though I already used my activation code on my laptop? I can't afford to buy a second license..

Also, I just checked an acoording to my laptop's System Control Panel I have 3,88 GB free usable space, how is it then possible that TimeLapseTool gives me the message that I need 'at least 2 GB of free memory for succesful video generation'?

Last edited 23 November 2018

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Time-Lapse Tool posted this 23 November 2018

The license for version 2.x is per user. You can install the software to both your PC and laptop if you are the only user.

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